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IntroductionThe OfferSuggested Content Engagement PathApply


You are invited to join in the founding of the first Social Business Network for Professional Administrators. A unique opportunity to showcase your brand and build a meaningful connection with Australia’s leading administration professionals.

What is Administrex?
Administrex is an all new Social Business Network designed specifically for Professional Administrators – EAs, PAs, Office Managers and related administration professionals.

The site has a social networking component similar to LinkedIn, where members can register a professional profile, which they can use to network with their peers, locally and internationally, and which will also be searchable by recruiters looking for their particular skills.

There is also a front end to the site, with a collection of resources and tools that PAs can use on a daily basis to expedite their work, and help develop their career. These will be available to everyone who uses the site, although registration is required to access the networking forums.

Why Administrex?
Administrex will offer you the ability to connect with an engaged network of Administrative Professionals. Rather than pushing promotional messaging, you will have the opportunity to share compelling content that tells the story of your brand, and help you build a long term relationship with this audience.

Why Administrators?
Professional Administrators – EAs, PAs and Office Managers are amongst the most influential figures in Australian business, acting as a key support and conduit to the leaders of Australia’s largest companies, government agencies and educational organisations.

They also exercise considerable direct spending authority over a wide range of daily activities such as travel, meeting room bookings, events, office supplies and more.

The skill set required to manage this function has evolved beyond the basics of technical and secretarial support into a pivotal position encompassing diverse stakeholder contact, project and events coordination, and the management of an important communication interface between executive and senior level staff.

Administrex has been developed to help meet these specialised training needs, and to act as an engagement platform between the audience and the suppliers seeking to offer their related services.

Why Expoco?
We are a specialist events provider, with more than 15 years’ experience in delivering conferences, training seminars and trade exhibitions, including 4 national conferences specifically for PAs. This has equipped us with a deep understanding of the professional development needs of this audience, and a wide network of leading suppliers of specialist knowledge and training to facilitate these requirements.

During this period we have also built a national database of over 7000 corporate PAs, giving us a powerful base for scaling the site

Guest speakers at our events have included dignitaries such as Jay Weatherill – the current Premier of South Australia, Jane McAloon – President, Governance of BHP Billiton, and Michael Fraser – CEO of AGL.

Our event partners have included organizations such as BRW magazine, the CSIRO, MinterEllison Lawyers, government departments and industry regulators, the Australian Institute of Office Professionals, KPMG, Oakvale Capital, Virgin Mobile and AGL.

What is the offer?
1. Directory Listing:

Supplier access to the site is via one of our Directory Listing Packages. Each package includes 6 months of listing in our Supplier Directory in the Category and State of your choice. Multi State listings are also available.

2. Engagement Content Package:

Each listing forms the basis for the ongoing engagement opportunity, which gives the subscriber 6 x monthly content posts (1 per month) of up to 500 words and images, which are shared with all members of the site. These posts allow you to connect with the audience by sharing valuable and interesting stories and information, giving your business and brand a relatable face. Sharing meaningful content in this way allows you to tell a story which:

– Builds Trust
– Builds Authenticity
– Add Value to the Audience
– Creates a meaningful Brand Proposition

Subscriptions start with our Gold Package at $900 + gst for 6 months.

This package provides you a top 3 listing in the State and Category of your choice, and 6 total Engagement Posts. Full details below. Note a maximum of 6 listings will be accepted in any category.

Premium Pricing Table 26042015

Post 1 – Introduction
Post 2 – Thought Leadership 1 or Personalised Introduction
Post 3 – Featured Content – Internal or 3rd Party/ Thought Leadership 2
Post 4 – Soft Call To Action
Post 5 – Thought Leadership 2/ Featured Content 2
Post 6 – Final Call To Action

Sample Content Path – Event Organiser

Post 1 – Introduction
– Official site welcome, standardised
– Includes contact details and description of services

Post 2 – Thought Leadership 1
– A thought leadership
– e.g: Best Practices for Organising a Christmas Function and lessons to use in organising your next event

or Post 2 – Personalised Introduction
– Written as a personal greeting by a senior team member, or owner
– Brief background on the business and reasons for joining the site
– Should not be a sales pitch – the focus of the article needs to be on putting a human face to the business and starting the process of engagement

Post 3 – Featured Content – Internal or 3rd Party
– Introduce and discuss a high value high piece of related 3rd party content
– e.g: The Exhibition & Event Association of Australasia annual study into The State of Australian Professional Conferences
– Introduce the Study, and discuss the relevant takeaways that the organise can apply when organising their own events.

Post 4 – Soft Call To Action
– This is the appropriate time, mid-program to include a more sales oriented piece.
– The focus should still be on engagement, rather than a hard sell, but with the inclusion of a sales oriented call to action
– e.g: Case Study of a recent successful event run by the organiser, and a promotional/discount offer to relate this back to the audience

Post 5 – Thought Leadership 2

Post 6 – Final Call to Action

At the start of this journey the community will be small but progressive, and open to engagement with new suppliers with the right messages. over time as the site develops, more members will join, which will create a larger audience, but also more self-generated content, so the emphasis will move to creating compelling dialogue through engaging content.

New site partners who join before the end of June, 2015, will receive our lifetime guarantee of no more than 10% annual advertising, rate increases, regardless of the growth of the site

Contact us to find out more

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